Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Ok, so I should be writing a serious blog about last nights episode of Heroes, and how god it was. Blabbering on about how emotional it was, and how emotion is what grounds us in stories where unbelievable things happen. And how we are finally getting a better picture of how Pinehurst making a serum which will give anyone powers, could actually end up destroying the world. Oh and there would have been a nice long paragraph about Syler's development as a character.

But I don't feel like it So instead I present to you a game. It says to do 20 of your favorite movies, bu for purposes of simplicity I am only quoting English language movies. I don't want to get into any translation issues here.

A. Pick 20 of your favorite movies.
B. Then pick one of your favorite quotes from each movie.
C. Post the quotes on your blog.
D. Have those on your friends list guess what the movies are. (No cheating!)
E. Strike out the quote once it has been correctly identified and place the guesser's username after the quote.

1.That's just what this country needs: a cock in a frock on a rock.

2. Sweet? Where do you get off? Where do you get sweet? I am dark and mysterious, and *pissed off*! And I could be very dangerous to all of you! You should know that about me... I am *the enemy*!

3. Life is a matter of a miracle that is collected over time by moments flabbergasted to be in each others presence.

4.I *am* big. It's the *pictures* that got small.

5. You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?

6. Just look like we are a married couple, *spanning time*!

7. Now, you Irish cops are perking up. That's two sound theories in one day, neither of which deal with abnormally sized men. Kind of makes me feel like Riverdancing.
From "Boondock Saints" Guessed Correctly by Joshua

8.What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?
"From Lord of the Rings" Guessed Correctly by Joshua

9. Ooh, great job man! I really thought you were retarded. I mean, you're better than that Corky kid and he's actually retarded. If there was a retarded Oscar you would win, hands down, kick his ass!

10. When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing His will.

11. We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them.

12. A long time ago, my ancestor Paikea came to this place on the back of a whale. Since then, in every generation of my family, the first born son has carried his name and become the leader of our tribe... until now.

13. You can't really dust for vomit.
Spinal Tap Guessed Correctly by Agent Claudia

14. And so, dear Lord, it is with deep sadness that we turn over to you this young woman, whose dream to ride on a giant swan resulted in her death. Maybe it is your way of telling us... to buy American.

15. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".
Snatch Guessed correctly by Agent Claudia

16. Royale with cheese. Do you know why they call it a Royale with cheese?
From "Pulp Fiction" Guessed Correctly by Joshua

17. Have you ever tried to persuade him that he wasn't Teddy Roosevelt?

18. What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?
"Lost Boys" guessed correctly by Nikoli

19. Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude.
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off" Guessed Correctly by Nikoli

20. I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
"From Monty Python and The Holy Grail" Guessed Correctly by Joshua


Joshua Geller said...

#7: Boondock Saints.

#8: Fellowship of the Ring.

#16: Pulp Fiction.

#20: Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Nikoli said...

#19: Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

"You're Abe Frohman? Sausage King of Chicago?" :)

Anonymous said...

13 is from This Is Spinal Tap; 15 is from Snatch

Nikoli said...

Is 18 from "The Lost Boys"? I have no readership, not one guess yet, and I only did 5 movies...

RenegadeFilmSnob said...

Your right about your guess Nikoli. Could you give me a link to your movie quote game post. I couldn't find it.

Nikoli said...


It was really only a comment about skaters... they don't read. (But they watch alot of movies and skate videos.)
Anyway... It is "Bonus" at the bottom of the Ollie's post. And I apologize in advance for my fellow contributors rather uncouth postings/comments... skaters, what can ya do?

Thanks! I enjoy your rantings.

Nikoli said...

I added hints in the comments on mine. Thanks for the read. ;)