Friday, November 21, 2008

Lipstick Jungle

A lot of good shows seem to be on the decline this season.

My beloved Heroes have been on the decline but have managed to be signed on for another season.

It seems as if the delightful and charming Pushing Daisies has finally kicked the bucket.

Now Lipstick Jungle is going through it's last gasps of life. And it seems as if the stars are fighting back with a very staged viral video.

This basically says "watch this show and you will get to see a hot dude in his panties." Really that's almost enough for me to watch a show alone. Lipstick Jungle is a cool show, it's NBC's answer to all the women who liked Sex in the City but wished the women were a little less slutty.

I now recommend that Pushing Daisies has a bake sale to help save it's show. Seriously people you need to start tuning into decently written shows like Lipstick Jungle, and well written shows like Pushing Daisies or the networks are just going to keep replacing them with crappy reality tv shows.

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