Twas the night before Election and all through the country
not a creature was stirring not even Hubert Humphrey
All the polls were locked away with great care
in the hopes that no foul play would go on there.
The republicans were nestled all snug in their beds
while visions of Sarah Palin go-go danced in their heads
Eh, that's about as far as I'm going to go with the poem. Really I just wanted there to be a line about Sarah Palin go-go dancing somewhere in this.
Anyway as every American should know, tomorrow is election day. This is not a political blog by any means, so I will try to keep my liberal hippy bullshit to myself. To day I stand here with the goal of adressing everyone, reaching accross party lines and getting down to what is bugging us. Let's face it kids the election season is way too long, I have gotten sick of hearing pundits overanalyse every news snippet to death. I decided who I was voting for months ago and really nothing is going to change that at this point.
By all means if you undecided by all means watch the news, you have a very big decision to make tomorow. But for the rest of us who have latched on to a candidate we like, or at least a candidate we find least objectional I suggest we watch something else tonight. I mean short of a candidate going on a murderous rampage, denying that the holocaust happened, or taking part in some sort of ritualistic sacrifice in order to ensure victory; nothing is going to change my mind.
I offer to you a few presidential films that will hopefully get you psyched for voting tomorrow. These are all fun upbeat (or at least comic) movies. Times are tough as it is, right now I don't know about you but I only want to see really good presidents on tv. This is about getting everyone in an optemistic mood, goodness knows there seems to be a shortage of that lately.
"An American President"
Ever dreamed of falling in love with a president? Even if you havn't (not too many bangable presidents in our history) if you want something that covers polotics but still has a love story this is the movie for you.
"My Fellow Americans"
It's about two former presidents (played by Jack Lemmon and James Garner) who struggle to unravel a conspiracy and stay alive. Believe it or not it's a comedy, and a very good one at that. Jack Lemmon is one of my favorite comedic actors of all times, and he does not disaopoint in this movie. Ok so it's not the funniest movie in the entire world, but it is by far the funniest movie I have ever seen about former presidents.
The President becomes very ill, and what do the presidents closest advisors decide to do, hire a look alike to stand in for a bit. It's a fantasy about an averyday man getting to be president for a little while, all and all it's a decent movie.
"The Contender"
This is one of the more serious movies on the list. It's about a woman who has been selected to run for vice president. She (*cough*unlikeothers*coughcough*) is extremely qualified for the job, but faces a lot of hardship because of her gender. This really takes a good hard look at all the sexism still present in our society, and it explores the challenges of being a woman appointed to such a high office.
The president in this movie (played by Jeff Bridges) is very cool, he loves messing with people in the whitehouse kitchen by ordering really exotic food; ok so thats not a big selling point for the movie but it's totally what I would do if I were president.
Vicious politics do not occur in Washing DC alone, oh no. There are few things in this world as viscious as high schoolers, and the polotics of a high school election can be quite the battleground. Ok so not really but high school politics can get pretty twisted. It's a great dark comedy staring Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon, if you havn't done so already just see it.
If you are determined to be angry and upset about the Election and the current state of political affairs tonight may I offer a few brief suggestions
If you are concerned about the oil crisis: "Mad Max"
If you are concerned about the Economy: "Grapes of Wrath"
After watching those you should be able to remember that things arn't that bad, and that the world is not going to end reguardless of who gets elected.
Thats all for now, remember vote early and vote often.
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