Ok, I have said it once and I will say it again, I am a shameless Quentin Tarentino fangirl.
Like all other fans of Mr. Tarentino I am super excited to see Inglorious Bastards when it comes out in theaters in August. Not too long ago he released the Trailer for the film, and now he has begun releasing posers for the movie.
A good movie poster not only tells a story, it becomes more interesting the longer you look at it. Although several movie posters have been released I chose my two favorites for a deeper analysis of what to expect in Inglorious Bastards.
Now I show you exibit A
Once Upon a Time in Nazi occupied France...
Isn't that just a beautiful phrase. That automatically tells you that this movie is a piece of fantasy. A gritty, bloody, and undoubtedly sometimes disturbing fantasy but a fantasy none the less. Because lets face it, most of us would love to kick a bit of Nazi ass.
On the other end of things the poster tells you that it will not be a complete fantasy. Notice the weapon of choice, a knife. In most World War II movies the main focus is on guns and bombs, things that allow you to kill from a distance. There is one Inglorious Bastards poster that features a rifle. As you can see above this poster shows a knife and another one shows a blood soaked baseball bat. These are weapons that you have to get up close and personal to use. On the poster the mans arm is covered in blood, showing that the people in this movie are not afraid to get their hands dirty.
Put those two things together, in a genre already known for favoring gritty realism, with a director that is not afraid to show some violence and we are gearing up for one bloodbath of a film. But remember there is still the promise of "Once upon a time".
Quentin Tarentino will most likely mix very gritty violence, with more fantastical aspects. Think of it in terms of Kill Bill, there will be a lot of blood and guts but a lot of it will happen with an edge of humor or irony which will help it to transcend gritty realism into something else completely.
This is going to be an interesting blend of genres
I give to you now exhibit B
First let me acknowledge how cool it is that this poster is being honest. I'm not talking about Brad Pitt being a bastard, I don't know him and guessing from the amount of charity work he does he is most likely a good person. I'm talking about the fact that they use his real name, not the name of his character in this poster.
Let's face it a lot of times the Star sells the movie. Here they make no pretensions that his face and name are on the poster to do anything but that.
His expression and hairstyle give us a hint that he is going to be a real character. He isn't selling the movie by saying "look at me I'm pretty." No they have made some vague attempts at making him less attractive, like having him push his jaw out to the camera making it look larger then it is. He is selling this as a character, and perhaps he will be acting as more of a character actor in this movie as opposed to being a leading man. But that last bit is just my humble guess.
It's a bit hard to see on the small image I have posted above, but Brad Pit is sporting some serious scars around his neck. This tells us that the character has survived (or will survive) having his throat slit.
Meaning, Brad Pitt's character is most likely a Major hard-ass or a major bad-ass, most likely a bit of both.
I know I can't wait to find out if my predictions are right.
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