Friday, October 31, 2008

Sorority Forever

I am deeply disappointed with the ending of Sorority Forever.

There were so many hints pointing to the occult being Phi Chi Kappa's big secret. I for one was hoping to see some human scarficie, demons, and serious witchcraft on the season finale. the ending involved none of those things (well actually there is a small posibility they are stil involves).

The season finale was two freaking minutes long. Normally episodes were two to three minutes long, but for a season finale you just expect more.

Right now I am officially demanding a second season because the ending was just lame and too poorly explained for my taste. Seriously THAT was the big secret, surly there must have been some voodoo, brainwashing, or human sacrifice before all that happened. There must be a follow up series to help make further sense of all this, or at least something to redeem the series.

I am not pleased. The rest of the series was so cool and exciting, the ending was a big let down. I want to know more about Aurora, and that just can't be learned in a two minute season finale.

Last minute costume ideas

Movies can teach us a lot of things. In this particular case it can teach us how to dress up for that "costume required" party with minimum cost of effort. These are not miracles costumes, they are half-assed costumes that will look like half-assed last minute costumes. Yet they will allow you to get into the party.

Costume one: Paranoid, UFO investigator, or conspiracy theorist
As seen in: Signs


Construction: Take tinfoil, wrap it around your head. In less then a minute your ready to go.

Costume two: God, or really anyone else you want to be.
As seen in: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Season four episode called Fear Itself. worn by the character Oz


Consturction: Find a name tag, a label, or a few pieces of masking tape. Write hello my name is God. Insert other name if so desired.

Costume three: Anime Character
As Seen In: The overall genre Anime


Construction: This costume works best on people whose hair is mid length, or at least not too closely cut. Get hair gel, hair spray, and spray on hair color. Grab sections of your hair and gel them so that they are pointing out in random directions. There is no such thing as too much hairspray for this costume, the wilder the hair the better it will look. When desired look is achieved spray over with color. Wear your brightest or most outlandish clothing.

If anyone asks you who you are tell them your an Anime character. If they ask which one say a random combination of any three word catagories Japanese names, an adjective, and a random noun. For example Yukki super clock, Aki charming blowfish, Jun Jun fast shoe.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sorority Forever

I think of the web series as a new form of art. They have to pack a lot of story and intrigue into a few minutes to keep the audience interested. I can't help but wonder if this is finally filling up the gap left behind by old time radio dramas. In the few web series I have been attracted to there is either great commedy, or a mystery which needs to be unraveled.

Like many the first web series I ever watched was LonelyGirl15. The story was interesting, the production qualities were low, the acting lackluster, but what really drew in the crowds was the ability to interact with the characters. Bree (played by Jessica Rose) and all of her friends would leave puzzles to be solved, and would ask you for help on their forum. Since the season one finale where they killed off Bree the show has been in steady decline, and I find myself increasingly disinterested with LG15TheResistance.

Fortunately something has taken the place of LG15 for me, and that is a delightful series called Sorority Forever. Sorority Forever is a lovely series about a Sorority with a deep dark secret. When I say lovely series, please note I mean conspiracy filled, backstabbing bitches clawing their way to the top, drama filled delight. The series is put on by Big Fantastic, the same people behind such hits as Sam has 7 Friends and Prom Queen.

I must admit I never saw Sam has 7 Friends, but I can say that Sorority Forever does have a lot in common with Prom Queen. Like the series before it Sorority Forever is young and hip, filed with beautiful people, and catchy soundtracks. It is also filled with a lot of drama, and focuses around similar themes of teen life, popularity, conspiracy, and murder. I can say with certainty that Sorority forever is the much better crafted of the two series.

Prom Queen became confusing at times because of the large number of characters. The people at Big fantastic seem to have resolved the problem Sorority Forever has a similar number of cast mates but they are all given clear places in the social structure of the story and there are a few clear main characters. The production qualities are very good for a web series.

Sorority Forever is well told, although it often jumps to show different perspectives it is easy to follow. The characters are for the most part quite likable (except for the evil bitches your supposed to hate) and overall the series is pretty well acted.

Lets face it your not here to read about the technical specs of the series so lets get down to business. Sorority Forever focuses around the four new pledges to the most elite sorority on campus (or anywhere for that matter)Phi Chi Kappa. There is Julie (Played by Jessica Rose) the rebellious one who never wanted to pledge in the first place, Madison the ditsy popular one, Naomi the cool sweet one, and Taryn the ones who is a bit of a trouble maker. Not all is as it seems in Phi chi Kappa the sorority has a dark secret, what I'm not sure. Over the course of the season so far they have had me guessing everything from the occult, to the mafia, to the Illuminati, there is only one episode left and I'm still not sure I understand the mystery. We know that Phi Chi Kappa is more then just a sorority, it's basically a recruiting platform for some very powerful secret organization called Aurora.

The series shifts from mysterious, to funny, to being very touching. There is no big moral message here, there is no overarching artistic statement, but it's a highly enjoyable series. Honestly I would rank it as the best web series I have ever seen. You get kind of attached to the characters and you find yourself really rooting for them to be ok, or to do the right thing. The series also has enough twists and turns to keep anyones attention.

So if you havn't seen the series yet I highly recommend you get your butts over to

And start watching. The episodes are short so I promise it won't take very long to get though the 39 episodes available. Tomorrow is the season finale and I really think you don't want to miss it.

Also head on over to the myspace site for Sorority Forever, there are profiles for all the characters and there are extra blogs, videos, and comments available which help provide a better look at the characters as well as the plot.

If this raving review wasn't enough for you, check out the official trailer.

Sorority Forever Trailer - Series Premiere 9/8 on MySpaceTV 9AM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Movie Recommendations

Everyone does top ten lists, but I find that I almost never agree with them. 100 of the worlds top critics could agree that a certain film was technically the best, but what does it really mean for you the individual? A lot of times your mood and your setting can make or break a movie. Personally I can’t take scary movies so nothing on this list is too frightening. However, I have tried to put something up that would fit the mood of any Halloween celebration. Instead of doing a list of my top 10 films for Halloween I will do something a little different.

Without further interruptions or introduction I give you 10 things to see for 10 situations, the Halloween edition.

If you have an appreciation for the classics

Then you should watch "The Cabinet of Dr Caligari" and "Nosferatu"
If possible I highly recommend watching these with the soundtrack written and performed by Devil's Music Ensemble. Go to to get their soundtrack.

There is always something terrifying about seeing someone scream on camera but never being able to hear them, I think it's because it puts you in line with the character. You know no matter how loudly they scream, no one will ever hear them. Even today compared with so many other films that have been made with better technology they don't seem dated, or if anything their dated appearance only adds to their story telling ability.

If you are having a party you may want to simply leave these films playing silently on the television, it will help create a great atmosphere for your gathering.

You would rather watch something funny then something scary

"Young Frankenstein"

It's a complete classic, and while this is a blatantly obvious suggestion it's also the best. Mel Brooks is a genius, and he knows how to make a spoof with some class. It takes the basic Frankenstein movie following all of the typical story elements, while still expanding them and creating new things outside their boundaries. Unlike the popular spoof series Scary Movie it doesn't just copy scenes; it completely retells the story, and does not rely on the viewer being familiar with the story in order for them to get the humor.

If you have children

"The Halloween Tree"

A cool animated film which teaches about how Halloween is celebrated in different cultures, but is surrounded with such a cool story hat kids won't know they are learning anything at all.

If you want to watch something creepy that is not directly related to Halloween


"Carnivàle", is one of my favorite tv shows of all times. Lets face it circuses on their own are a bit creepy, even the big reputable ones. Carnivàle is no Barnum & Bailie's, oh no it's a dirty dingy depression era traveling circus. Everything has this patina of dirt and grime over it, and the circus is certainly not a reputable one. Already it's an intriguing mixture of things, but when you throw in magic a avatars of power for both God and the Devil then things really get interesting.

If you want to see a movie so bad that it loops back to being awesome

"Sleepaway Camp"

Ok, so there are probably a mission other bad 80's horror flicks that could have gone in this spot, but "Sleepaway Camp" happens to be my favorite of this specific genre. It's hard to give a good description without ruining the surprise at the end. I can say without spoiling anything that there is a lot of blood, a lot of bad 80's hair and fashion, bad special effects, and some really terrible acting. All of it combines to make a surprisingly funny movie, well only if you have a sick sense of humor like me.

If you are stuck in the 80’s

"Teen Witch"

Now technically "Teen Witch" is also a movie that fits into the category of so bad it's good. Yet teen witch was never intended to be a horror film, and has even more delicious 80's cheesiness. It combines the following: atrocious 80's fashion, musical numbers, white boys trying to rap and dance, and a little touch of magic. If you have ever seen the video "Top That" this is where it came from

If you are a Woman who is very angry with men at the moment


Really this only counts as a horror movie if your male. It's about a girl whose vagina has an optional attack mode. Really I don't need to say any more.

You’ve gotten tired of replaying Buffy the Vampire slayer episodes


Hex is a brilliant show from England. There are no vampires, the female lead (in the first season) doesn't kick ass, and I'm not entirely sure it takes place in a high school. Nope this time it's all about witches, ghosts, and fallen angels. Unlike Angel in Buffy, the fallen Angel Azazeal isn't really a good guy. Instead of being a slayer the lead character (Cassie) is a witch. The best friend (Thelma) is still a Lesbian, but she is not a witch she is a ghost. It's clever and enjoyable right up to the middle of the second season where the producers undoubtedly found out they were getting canceled and decided to go crazy.

If you can’t wait for Twilight to come out and you want to see some hot vampire dudes.

"Lost Boys"

The Lost Boys are about as far as you can get from the sweet, wholesome, vegetarian Cullens. All the same Vintage Kiefer Sutherland and most of the vamps in the movie are pretty smokin' hot even with the 80's hair. Honestly whats the point of having a vampire movie of book if there aren't going to be at least a few evil bloodsuckers. It's campy and a bit over the top at times, but it's a highly enjoyable movie.

You were unable to get your drugs of choice but still want all the twists and turns of a bad acid trip

"Cemetery Man" or as it’s called in Italy "Dellamorte Dellamore"

It's a mind fuck and a half, but an enjoyable one. Really that's the only way to describe this, sorry. You just have to see it for yourself.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am a shameless Heroes fangirl. I have been hooked since the first episode of the first season. At my college apartment we didn't have television, so on Monday nights/Tuesday Mornings I would often stay up till 5 AM just so that I could see the new episode of Heroes the moment NBC posted it on their site.

Much like my friend Tony Montana I am an addict, there is no such thing as too much Heroes for me. Although I think that the first season was the best season so far, this season seems to be shaping up nicely. We no longer know who is good and who is evil, or at least we can't be certain. This season seems to be exploring the butterfly effect, how one small change made to the past can completely change the future.

Last nights episode was quite good (don't worry minimal spoilers). I like the relationship between Matt Parkman and Daphne. I am thrilled that Hiro and Ando seem to have made up. A few more plot twists seem to be in the making, and I have to say I don't think we have seen the last of Peter Petrelli's powers.

Highlight for my crazy spoiler filled theory

As it currently stands most fans believe that in order for Peter's powers to work someone has to use their powers near him. I think that when Peter's father took away all of Peters powers, it's possible that Peter gained the ability to take away other peoples powers. We shall have to wait and see. Right now I definately believe that Syler sloweed Peters fall in order to keep him alive. Lets hope Syler continues with this whole good guy kick.

I was fairly upset when they announced that it would be two weeks till the next Heroes episode. This show is my drug, I start going through withdrawl if I go more then a week without it. Hopefully Heroes Evolutions will keep me tided over till then.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Mission Statement

“What can you do with a degree in film theory?”

Truth be told I’m not sure. Normally I make up some answer about going into teaching, some area of film production, or becoming a film critic. The truth is I have no clue how to break into show business with this degree. I suppose this is where the idea for a blog came in.

If nothing else this will be a forum for me to express my opinion on film. I want to make it clear that I am not an expert by any means. Fortunately for me, there are no requirements for having an opinionated blog.

I chose the title of Renegade film snob for a reason. I remember the exact moment in college when I realized that I was a bit different from all the other film majors. I compared Quentin Tarentino to Alfred Hitchcock, and everyone in the class glared at me as if I had said the Holocaust never happened. Let’s face it kids, film snobs are often … snobs.

Film snobs will judge you for liking that Adam Sandler movie, film snobs will persecute you if you admit that you didn’t enjoy watching “The Bicycle Theif”.

Let me take a second to respond to the Film Snobs. Yes, you read it correctly, I just admitted that I did not like “The Bicycle Thief.” Yes, I also compared Quentin Tarentino to Hitchcock. Before you round up hoards of angry villagers with pitch forks, allow me to explain.

I have a very middle of the road philosophy when it comes to film. Films that are made purely for art are often difficult to relate to, boring, and more often then not depressing as hell. Take for Example the masterpiece by Jean-Luc Godard “Tout Va Bien.” It was well acted, art direction was brilliant, cinematography was wonderful, and at times the story was captivating. No one is denying that it is a brilliant work of art, it was also the most tedious thing I have ever seen in my entire life. True the tedious nature of the film was most likely intentional, but it doesn’t change the fact that you could not pay me to watch it again.

On the other hand films that are made for pure enjoyment are often empty, dumbed down for the masses, and predictable as hell. For the life of me I could not even bear to sit through movies like Vin Diesel’s “The Pacifier”. I’m having difficulty putting into words just how bad this movie is. I have made two separate attempts to watch this piece of crap and have failed each time. It’s like they took a smattering of things that had worked in other family movies and put them together in a blender till it was nothing but a a sad mutilated mess.

I think the best movies are the ones that combine art with enjoyment. The films that make you laugh and cry, the films that get you to think differently, the films that have the power make you forget about your life for a little bit; those are the films that are best in my opinion. If you watch a movie and you never want to watch it again, that is when a film has is a huge failing. A lot of films were made to make people uncomfortable, just like many pieces of art were made with the same purpose. I believe that film isn’t just an art, it’s a form of entertainment. For better or worse, I want to loose myself in a film not fight against it. I like it when a film challenged me to think differently, but I don’t like being made depressed or uncomfortable for the sake of being depressed and uncomfortable. I’m ok with being taken on an emotional rollercoaster, so long as I’m on it with a character I love and care about.

I suppose to clear it all up and actually get to my point. I am not your average film snob. There are a lot of famous and well respected films that I will admit to not liking. Alternatively there are a lot of lesser respected Hollywood films that I will admit to loving. I love film, to a degree I know what I’m taking about, and I am determined to be honest even if it means that other snobs will look down on me.

I will be writing reviews for film, television, commercials, youtube videos, and anything else that strikes my fancy. I’m a bit short on cash at the moment so there will not be many new films reviewed.